"Steve Buscemi and his son Lucian: http://www.listal.com/viewimage/3153590"

"Cute list, if you want to add, here's Christoph Waltz: [img id=3091462 width=300full]"

"I agree with Happy Vader, Steve Buscemi is my favorite and one of the greatest actors of all time."

"(oh that came twice) Here's younger Steve Buscemi (on the right): http://27.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lioxtmq93r1qasubeo1_400.png"

"Tosi hyvä idea listalle! Olisinpa itekin saanu nähä kaikki nuo leffat teatterissa."

"This is awesome list, and Christoph Waltz would be great as Frollo! Also Fiennes as Clayton."

"Al Pacino: http://www.funfunkypages.com/al_pacino/al-pacino.jpg"

"Awesome list! :D Here's Tim Roth, if you want to add: http://29.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lv3rv0TzUR1r73xbgo1_500.jpg"

"If you want to add, here's Tim Roth: http://29.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lv3rv0TzUR1r73xbgo1_500.jpg Awesome list!"

"Hieno lista ja vielä hienompi näyttelijä! Ja joo, yhdyn WreckMeen, Broadwalk Empire täytyisi lisätä!"

"Thanks that you mention it, I forgot it completely. I'll add it right away."

"How about Tim Roth and Jennifer Beals? In Four Rooms (1995): http://www.listal.com/viewimage/2488378 and Lie To Me (tv-show, 2009) http://www.listal.com/viewimage/1445021 Great list!"